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Shonda Rhimes Net Worth and her personal life

Are you a Shonda Rhimes fan?

Do you like her books or you are a big fan of her television drama series?

No matter what you like the most about her – I know you have came here in to find out Shonda Rhimes net worth

And you are going to know that shortly, so keep scrolling and don’t leave your seat

Shonda Rhimes biography

In the first section of our article we are going to discuss about Shonda’s biography and how she started…

But don’t worry it’s all related to her net worth…

You can learn more about her at “Shond’s Rhimes Wikipedia page”…

shonda rhimes net worth 2017

How Shonda Rhimes career?

If you are a big fan of Shonda, then you may like to know that how she started her career in the television industry…

Rhimes started up as an unemployed scriptwriter in Hollywood therefore she had to do different types of jobs including her tenure as an office administrator, and then she started working as a counselor at a job center that helped teaching mentally ill people…

During this era (in 1995), Rhimes was also working as a research director on the Peabody Award-winning documentary, Hank Aarom : Chasing the dream…

Shortly Rhimes came up with a new idea of creating a short film, “Blossoms and Veils”, starring Jada Pinkett-Smith and Jeffrey Wright…

Now Rhimes is a renowned American director, producer and writer – but she is best known as a creator, executive producer and head writer of her shows “Scandal”, “Private practice” and “Grey’s Anatomy”…

She has also been acknowledged by the Time magazine in 2007 in their list of “100 People who help shape the world”… She has also published a memoir, “Year of Yes”, “Stand in the sun” and “Be your own person”…

Shonda made another show “The Catch” in March 2016… And she has another show coming this year “Still Star-Crossed”…

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Shonda Rhimes Net Worth

While working on all these drama series and writing books, Shonda made a good amount of money…

According to some independent resources Shonda Rhimes net worth has surpassed $120 million threshold and she is still known as one of the richest t.v. celebrities…

If you want to have a look of her books, then search this on Google: “Shonda Rhimes book” or “books by Shonda Rhimes”…

There is no way to find out that how much Shonda Rhimes makes per episode, but you know she is a very reputed personality so she is one of the highest paid celebrities in the industry…

Bonus : Click here to see Pewdiepie Net worth in 2017

Shonda Rhimes Personal Life

I don’t know why everyone is searching that “Is Shonda Rhimes married?” or “Shonda Rhimes husband name”…

Even if you go on Google and type anything related to Shonda Rhimes, then you will find out that these are one of the top questions asked about her…

If you are also one of those who are searching for the same – then here is your answer:

“Shonda Rhimes is not married”

In-fact in an episode of SuperSould Sunday she told Winfery that she is not even willing to get married…

Here is the exact quote that she said;

“I was able to finally stand up and say, ‘I don’t want to get married.’ At all,” Rhimes, 45, told Winfery during an episode of SuperSoul Sunday. “I said that out loud. I said it to my family. I said it to my friends. I said it to anybody who asked. It’s never been a dream of mine.”

So I hope you have your answer…

Perhaps now you would be thinking that she doesn’t have any kids… That isn’t true.

She adopted a child girl in June 2002 and then adopted another girl in February 2012…

In 2013, Rhimes had another addition of a member  in her family in shape of a third girl that she adopted via gestational surrogacy…

I am still thinking why she doesn’t adopt boys?


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Final Words

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