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How to protect WordPress Blog from Spam Comments?

protect wordpress blog from spam comments

How to protect WordPress Blog from Spam Comments?

Spammy comments are a big botheration for any Blogger. Getting these spammy comments with stupid links and URLs irritates a lot. And deleting them is a much more depressive thing. I was also frustrated from these comments too. Everyday I had to delete these stupid comments from my Blog and the biggest problem was that legitimate comments were also hidden somewhere in middle of these spam ones.

So, I couldn’t delete them all at once because I didn’t want the legitimate comments to be deleted. So I keep on deleting these unwanted/stupid comments one by one which was a very lengthy and depressive work to do.

Eventually, I decided to unable comments on those posts which are 14 days old which was a unwanted decision but I had to made it to avoid any further depress from these spam ones. I used password protection and so many other ideas to somehow get rid of these shitty spams but nor the first idea worked neither second one.

Because they were now targeting my newer posts who had comments availability and these spammy bots managed to bypass my password protection, Thus I still had to delete these spammy ones from my hand every day and every night.

So how can We and other guys protect wordpress blog from spam comments?

I searched on Google to get rid of my problem. Suddenly, I found a solution to deal with the problem. I was informed about a new Plugin which is called WP-SpamShield. 

This Plugin helped me a lot to deal with these spammy comment poster bots. I installed this plugin about 3 or 4 days ago and this has worked extremely well.

In less than 4 days WP-SpamShield has managed to block at-least 1160 spam comments on my Blog which is quite amazing.

protect blog from spam comments

You should also use Akismet to protect your Blog from Spams :). Remember these spam comments are not just a botheration to delete but they are a big threat for your Blog ranking in Google SERPs , as Matt Cutts(Google Anti-Web Spam Head) has warned Bloggers that the new penguin algorithm will also detect Blogs who have spammy links to other websites and will penalize them.

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