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How to Get 1000 Free Twitter followers in just a week?

How to Get 1000 Free Twitter followers in just a week?

Whether you are from SEO industry or you run a Real Estate blog, you need some good amount of followers in order to pretend as an influencer. To show your readers that your words have value you need to show them that how many people listen you. For this you need to display your audience power by showing your subscriber list, your facebook fan page likes, Google+ circles and finally your twitter followers.

As much facebook likes, Google+ followers, Email Subscribers and Twitter followers you have as much authority you have as a blogger because when a new visitor will visit your blog first time, the first thing he will try to find out about your blog will be your audience.

And believe me that a decent blog with few thousand followers will have more influence and respect from a blog which has good content but small audience.

So the first thing you will need is good social media following because it will also help you to generate some referral traffic in future.

I believe that I have made my point very clear but to make it more simple for you let me conclude in these words:

  1. To get the believe and respect of your blog’s new visitor you need good content and good following.
  2. Good Social following means good referral traffic and more engagement on Social Media.
  3. You will get more shares and more likes from your social media fans therefore your audience will keep rising.
  4. And finally when you have more people to speak, you will start getting more fun from blogging because finally you have people who cares about you and who are interested of what you have to say to them.

How to do it?

So what I have to share with you guys today? Well, It’s a tool which will help you to directly engage Twitter audience who are interested in your niche and will love to follow you therefore you will get more engagement from Twitter and more retweets as well which will result into an sudden increase in your blog’s traffic.

What’s the tool name?

This is actually not a tool but a website which helps Twitter users to get in touch with each other by following each other.

The website is called Tweepi(a platform from where you can gather more followers), A place from where you can get hundreds of followers in just a few days.


Well, Keep reading to know more.

How to use it?

First let me tell you that how the system works. Well, you would have heard about the “Follow back” strategy where you follow other twitter users to get follow backs from them.

Tweepi’s system works with the same manner but you will get some cool features from which you can get all the people who are just related to your niche on a single screen which means that no unimportant and unnecessary followers.

Look, if you run a Photography blog then you will only need those followers who are interested in photography niche. Not those who have nothing to do with it. So by the help of Tweepi you will be able to get follow backs from those guys who are really interested in your niche and not those who are unimportant for you and your blog.

Signing Up

Well, First you will need to sign-up for their account. You can do this easily by clicking on login button, after clicking Login button you will need to click on Login via Twitter button as shown below:

login via twitter tweepi

After clicking on Login via Twitter button you will reach a new page where Twitter will ask you to authorize the Tweepi App.

Authorize the App and then you will be redirected back to the Tweepi system with a logged in stance.

Following your niche mates

After joining Tweepi you will need to find a popular twitter handle which has hundreds and thousands of followers and make sure that the handle is related to your niche. Let’s assume that you run a blog which is about blogging so you will need to search a handle which covers similar topics as your blog. For Example @Wordpress will be a great choice.

After getting a popular twitter handle which is also related to your niche you will need to hover your mouse to the Follow Tweeps button after which a menu will appear. You need to click on @user’s followers button as shown below:

follow tweeps

Now a new window will appear where you will find this empty field :


follow others

Just paste the twitter handle name in the empty field (for example: @HusnainMz, @Wordpress) and press Start Following afterwhich a new window should appear. Just scroll down and you will find an interface like this:

follow tweepi


Just start following every single person who is active by clicking on follow button but make sure that he has equal or similar number of followers as you have otherwise the chances of getting a follow back will be low. Yes, You can follow a person who has low followers than you but don’t follow those who have hundred and thousands of people following them because they won’t follow you back.

For Example if you have 500 followers then try to search for those people who have followers near the 1000 threshold because as I said first that getting follow backs from popular handles won’t be easy.

Make sure that you only follow 120 people a day or twitter will suspend your account for temporary or permanent bases.

Flush Club

Now after following some people you need to wait for about 24 hours to get follow backs. After 24 hours, keep following those people who followed you back but for those who didn’t responded to your follow back technique, you need to unfollow them.

For this move to the menu and click on Flush the Unfollowers button as shown below:

flush the unfollow


Now a new window will appear and you need to search for this area of the page:

unfollow unfollowers tweepi


Now keep clicking on unfollow button and unfollow ever single unfollower :).


That’s all for now, You don’t need to do anything else. Just follow the trick and you will be able to gather as many followers as you want :).

More Resources:


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