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5 kind of WordPress plugins that you should use in 2015

5 kind of WordPress plugins that you should use in 2015

WordPress is the biggest ever blogging platform which owns 23% of the whole internet. Daily millions of new blog posts are written and thousands of new blogs are created from which most of the blogs are created on WordPress which means that daily thousands of people are joining the wordpress community.

That is why I have decided to write this blog post. When I started my blog it was not very easy for me to choose a handful of good plugins for me.

I was not familiar with blog security neither I knew much about Search Engine Optimization therefore I started a small research which helped me a lot in choosing the new plugins for my blog.

I installed WordPress SEO by Yoast, Just ticker, Soliloquy(for slide shows) and many other plugins which I can not name right now.

I also installed a few plugins to get my blog traffic statistics but ultimately Google Analytics was the finest solution for this purpose.

My Favourite WordPress Plugins

So today I will share my 5 favourite plugins of all time that you should use in 2015 to make your blog look good and to make it secure too.

Spam Blockers: Akismet and Wp-Spamshield

When you have managed to start a blog and your blog starts getting familiar to people, the next biggest botheration you will have will be spammers. They will keep posting stupid comments with some stupid link back to their blogs. They also use bots to do the same work. You will not be able to delete every single comment because their amount will be immense. From November till now, Akismet with coordination  with Wp-SpamShield has deleted more than 15,500 spam comments. blocking spam comments

Therefore to deal with these spam comments you have to get help from the technology and when it comes to spam blocking no one is better than Akismet and WP-SpamShield.

You can read more about both of these wordpress plugins here

Protecting the Blog : Limit Login Attempts

After establishing a decent blog, your next botheration will be to protect it from hackers. You may find a few of false login attempts on your blog daily once it gets popular. So to prevent such hacking attempts you should use a wordpress plugin what we call “Limit Login Attemps”

It will limit the login attempts by any specific user at a time. Normally hackers try more than 10 times to login into your account so, limiting the login attempts to the maximum of 5 will be a great idea.

You can read more about protecting your WordPress blog

Database and File Backups

After protecting your blog with a bunch password and plugin layers, the next thing you need to do is to make regular backups of your blog to make sure that if in case your blog gets hack, you have all the backups in place.

You can use many plugins to make regular backups of your wordpress blog but my favourite plugins are Dropbox and BackupWordpress.

Search Engine Optimization

As I said first that when I started my blog I was not very known about SEO therefore I used some wordpress plugins to get some extra support.

If you are also in a situation in which I was, you can also use these SEO plugins.

My favourite wordpress plugins for Search Engine optimization are WordPress SEO by Yoast, All in one SEO pack and SEO by squirrly

Caching Plugins

When it comes to caching plugins no one is better than W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache. I am using WP Super Cache right now but W3 Total Cache is also a fine plugin.

These cache plugins will improve your blog’s load time. To understand easily that how these plugins work, you can assume that they take regular snaps of your blog and when a user visits it these cache plugins show them your blog latest images instead of your original blog.

As simple as that. So just use them and improve your blog’s load time. Remember your blog’s load time has also a severe effect on your Search Engine Ranking.

You can read more about Cache plugins here

Few More Words

There are still hundreds and thousands of other plugins that will work great for your Blog but since my objective was to introduce some must install plugins that is why I have only listed some most important once. If you have any further queries about wordpress plugins then let me know in comments.

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