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How Youtube And GPlus +1 will help you to improve your rankings?

       gplus and youtube for page rank


While I was visiting Twitter handles of some SEO copyrighting websites’s authors. I found a tweet on Moz about one of their old article.

In the tweet, the author had described the article in these words “Is social media necessary to get good search engine rankings? The answer is yes!”, I was very eager to read this article after having a look of this attracting tweet because I was willing to know that how can Social media help us in Search Engine ranking. So I just opened the link and start reading the article.

On that particular article author had claimed that they have found in their research that articles or content with more shares or +1s on Google Plus are more likely to get greater ranking in SERPS.

I was very amazed to read this but I wasn’t very sure about the claim so I just start reading the comments of the post. Some people had disagreed with the author and then they agreed. I was very curious that why did the people suddenly changed their opinions about the article.

The answer was because after Penguin 3.0 when link building is restricted, Guest posting is nearly gone, Spammy comments shouldn’t work and Forums posts for backlinks aren’t there. So now Google needs a way to inspect the criteria of the content or a way to find out that what people think about a particular article so that they can rank it in Search Engines according to the value of content.

What point I am trying to make is this that if you are depressed about SEO for your Blog, You shouldn’t be any more. Just start gathering a strong community on GPlus and have some tons of shares and +1s for your content and you will be fine with the rankings. I am not claiming but I strongly believe that the next age of SEO will depend on Social Signals specially on Gplus signals.

However, In the end of the post author made an update because Mr. Matt Cutts (Google Anti Spam Head) made some statements about this particular article. He said;

It is not the +1’s themselves that are causing the high rankings of posts but the fact that most +1’s on a site result in a shared post on Google+, which creates a followed link back to the post. It’s instant organic link building.

Did you see what Matt has declared unwillingly? He has told us that GPlus can make backlinks for us. We were never sure about it, Did we? And the good thing is that these Gplus +1s will make do follow links according to Matt.

So this is how the new generation of Search Engine will work. Have more shares and likes on Gplus, Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Network which will be crawled by Google for collecting people’s opinion about a post or blog and if you have a ton of shares and likes believe me you will be on top of SERPs.

As far as Youtube is concerned try to upload a video with a link back to your blog in description and try to get more likes and comments for the video. Every single like and comment to your video will be a backlink to your Blog.


Do you know that an article shared on Gplus will be crawled more quickly by Google than an article not shared on Gplus.

P.S: Thanks for reading “How Youtube And GPlus +1 will help you to improve your rankings?”


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