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Google will now help users to find out mobile friendly sites

mobile friendly search results


For mobile users we have a good news today. Have you ever search on Google for some keyword through your mobile? If yes, Then there is a huge possibility that you had opened up a site which text was too small or the site wasn’t comfortable with your mobile browser. This has happened with me many times, I believe that with you too. The reason behind this is that the website’s administrators don’t optimize their websites or Blogs to be viewed on a mobile phone. But whenever this sort of thing happens, its always a bad experience and sometimes we just wish that if we could have a tool which can tell us that “HEY! THIS SITE IS MOBILE FRIENDLY AND THIS ISN’T.” So here’s our internet HERO Google again to help us.

Google, in their latest Webmaster Blog post introduces a new innovation in their Search Engine system. This new system will help users, specially mobile users to find out mobile friendly websites.

This new change will be carry out world wide over the next few weeks. In some countries it may take more time too. After this new additional tool in Google’s inventory we will have a recommendation by Google that this site is Mobile friendly and this isn’t. For Example We searched a keyword on Google and we had 1,00,000 search results, So every site which will be Mobile friendly will have a Mobile-Friendly text before the meta description in snippets. Its like an certificate by Google to a website for being mobile friendly.

The criteria for being Mobile friendly is given below:

1) Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash

2) Uses text that is readable without zooming

3) Sizes content to the screen so users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom

4) Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped

You can check that whether your Website is Mobile friendly or not by this Google tool.

You may also read Google Webmaster Guide for Mobile Usability.


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