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5 WordPress Plugins you should use in 2015 to compete against your competitors

wordpress plugins in 2015


5 WordPress Plugins you should use in 2015 to compete against your competitors

Are you jealous from your competitors Blog look? Do you find their Blogs very attracting because of their colourful gadgets or their interface and you want to make your Blog look good like their’s? Don’t Worry, Today I will share 5 plugins that will help you a lot to make your Blog look good, updated and attracting. I will also share some Plugins that you should use to make your Blog SEO friendly in 2015.

1) SEO by Yoast

SEO by Yoast is a plugin launched by Yoast which will help you a lot in making Search Engine friendly content. From keyword density to meta description it will guide you in every single step. Yoast has many other plugins for SEO like Google Analytics by Yoast which helps you to connect your Blog from Google Analytics to inspect your traffic and impression data.

2) MailMunch

Mailmunch is a free to use plugin from MailMunch team. It allows you to show a Pop-Up form to a user when he visits your Blog. These forms are really a good source to gather big email list for your Blog, In addition they help a lot in giving your Blog a professional look. However, They are not Google Spiders friendly. In-fact they sometimes work as barricade which stops Google spiders to crawl your Blog pages. But this problem can easily be avoided by delaying the Pop-Up appearance. You can do this easily by extending the time after which the Pop-Up should appear.

3) JetPack by

Jetpack is not just a plugin. It not just offers a simple or a single feature. If you have installed Jetpack you can have access to all the features a Blog has. It will allow you to set default Subscribe us forms in the widget areas, you will have your site stats data available for you, you can put Custom CSS in your Blog through this plugin and they offer much more. See this image to know about all of their features.

[soliloquy id=”560″]

4) SumoMe

I don’t no whether to categorize Sumome in the plugin list or not. However, its features convinced me to do so. Sumome is a plugin that is hosted by Noah Kagan. You can find them here on their Official Website. Sumome allows you many subscribe us forms in shape of widgets, pop-ups, smart bar and many other forms. However, In this particular post I will just discuss Smart Bar which will show on the top of your Blog or I should say in header area. This is a very goo place to put a Subscribe us form for this purpose you can use Smart Bar which is very helpful in many regards. Just go to Sumome’s official website, choose Smart Bar and download their Plugin. After this upload the plugin on your Blog and activate it. After activation move towards your Blog Homepage and find a Blue box which should appear in the top right of your Blog as shown below in the picture:                                                                 111111


Once you have find this Blue Box click on the crown image and go to SumoStore and select Smart Bar and install it.

Once you have installed your Smart Bar refresh the page, click on the crown again and go to Smart Bar then go to services and connect it from your MailChimp, Aweber or any other service. However, Before using these services you need to sign up for them. There are a ton of tutorials on Youtube which will help you to sign up for these services.

5) Soliloquy – Slider

Sliding images always attract users. In-fact they are a great source to give a professional look to your Blog. By using these sliders you can engage your users more efficiently by showing different colourful, high definition images because people love to see different pictures. They love watching pictures rather than reading 1000 words articles. So make some infographics and then put them into a Slider so they will be engaged more effectively. There are many Sliders available on WordPress. However, I will recommend Soliloquy because it is much easier to use than others.


  • You can use Floating Social bar to get a Social Bar before content like I have.
  • To get some Social Follow buttons in your widget area you can use different free plugins available on WordPress. However, I will recommend Simple Follow me Social buttons and  Wpsite Follow us badges. These plugins are not the least, there are many other plugins who offer the same features with some different designs you can choose according to your need.
  • You can use Addtoany Sharing to have a Social Sharing bar besides your Blog. And to have Social Sharing buttons after your Post. By this plugin you will also get a widget available to be dragged down to your widget area.


P.S: Thanks for reading “5 WordPress Plugins you should use in 2015 to compete against your competitors”. Subscribe my Blog if you find this useful.


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